Mission Statement:

The Summit originated in Durango, Colorado, and has conferences in Maine and, in 2021, Kentucky

The BestHorsePractices Summit, Inc., a Colorado 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, fills the need for a common sense, research-supported conference to improve horse-human connections. The Summit strengthens links between equine research and horsemanship circles by highlighting the practical and academic strategies that make horses’ lives better. Making horses’ lives better also means supporting riders and horse owners, by providing educational tools to know themselves, their peers, and their equine partners better. In these ways, BHPS seeks to elevate our conversations and our community.

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A conference on best horse practices and equine research, bringing together educators, researchers, horse owners, as well as working, professional, and recreational riders, for presentations on best practices related to care, handling, management, training, and riding.

Two day format. A welcome get-together and check-in, followed by two academic presenters in the AM, two horsemanship presenters in PM and repeating that pattern on the second day. There will be a farewell reception on the evening of the second day. Videos of all presentations available to stream after the conference.



More details to follow.


Details to follow.


Led by a board of directors and steering committee of individuals experienced with organization, planning, development, public speaking, and best horse practices.

Attendance limited to 200.

Volunteers welcome.

Summit attendees visit with BLM official in Disappointment Valley


The BHP Summit is supported by sponsors, donations, and attendance fees. Funds raised go to presenters’ fees, facility rental fees, catering, marketing, advertising, web site development and maintenance, and the perpetuation of the BHP Summit, Inc.

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